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There are just some days where you want to be a kid again. Yesterday was one of those days. I would have been completely content with staying home, listening to music that I would have listened to around the age of twelve, watching the Labyrinth, and coloring with crayons. In lieu of that, I listened to music that I would have listened to around the age of twelve (eg Savage Garden, which Will so sweetly included on his most recent mix CD to me) and drive to work. I did bring crayons in case I got a moment to decorate the crap out of something. I did not end up doing it, though I did feasibly have the time.
I got a really nasty case of hives at work around 4:00 AM. I took 50mg of Diphenhydramine, which is a fancy way of saying that I took two Benadryl. I'm going to go to sleep now.

Some fun crayon facts lifted off of another website:
Crayola crayons currently come in 120 colors including 23 reds, 20 greens, 19 blues, 16 purples, 14 oranges, 11 browns, 8 yellows, 2 grays, 2 coppers, 2 blacks, 1 white, 1 gold and 1 silver. Although Crayola crayons come in 120 different colors, the labels are only made in 18, which cover the full color spectrum.
Nearly 3 billion crayons are made each year, an average of 12 million daily.
I know I haven't written in a few days, but in my defense, I was at least enjoying myself. My "weekend" was pleasantly busy. On Thursday, I had to wake up to go to meeting at work, which was not fun, and I was not excited by it in the least because Thursday was my first day off, and I really just wanted to sleep. Instead of going home, I went and had dinner with my parents and then went down to Plush on Fourth Avenue and saw Seashell Radio (, Coyote Grace (, and Leila Lopez ( play. I thoroughly enjoyed all three shows, but I can honestly say that I would not have stayed if Courtney Robbins had not told me to stay for all three acts as opposed to just her's. Courtney has a solo career (you can find that info here: and I began to listen to her years ago. We have also talked occasionally and I must say that she is quite awesome. She told me that I would be sorry if I didn't stay for the next two shows (and she played with both of them as well), and she was definitely right. For anyone interested in folksy, singer/songwriter music, I HIGHLY recommend all of these guys.
The show was a nice change for me, because things have been pretty hectic lately and I was really hoping to unwind. Everyone at the show was so nice that my usual anxiety didn't even seem to get to me that much. I will definitely have to go to folksy shows more often.
On Friday, I went out with my friend Jessica (Jessica F-Word, for those of you who are keeping tabs) and got the last few things that I needed for the baby shower that I would be hosting the next day. Jessica and I are apparently inept at navigating our way around a Babies R Us, but after wandering aimlessly for what felt like an eternity, we were directed by the manager to where we could find changing table pads and boppies. We also went to Target and did some awesome grocery/medication/baby shower prep shopping before going home and having difficulty wrapping our gifts. It was a blast.
Saturday was the baby shower for Taundra, Matt, and the little child that has yet to be born. It went quite well. We had crap tons of extra food, the gifts were a go, and Taundra and Matt's child that is now two years old, Piperlee, spent the couple of hours at my parents' house blissfully relocating the remotes. It was great. I was exhausted by the end of it (I have been stressing over it for weeks, and I had to wake up at 8am that day), so I went home and took a lengthy nap.
Then, the moment I have been waiting for for MONTHS occurred. I saw Shutter Island! It was a fabulous movie, and I plan to see it again, and probably own it. Anyone who has read my blog knows that I've been excited about this for eons... it was so worth it.
Now my work week is in full swing, and I am back to being mundane overnight Brenna. Le-sigh. I will say that I am reading (on my lunch breaks, mostly) Spook by Mary Roach (author of Stiff and Bonk, both of which are quite entertaining). It's pretty good thusfar. With all of this being said, I'm going to go to bed so that I may continue to be relatively coherent at work. *Thumbs up*
Why am I awake right now? The answer is simple, yet it makes such little sense: The Thong Song.
I have not listened to the Thong Song since it infected the radios and TVs of the year 2000. I did, however, wake up involuntarily on four different occasions today singing this novelty in my head. I can't decide what's more frightening: the fact that my subconscious wants me to think of the aforementioned song, or the fact that I know most of the words even now. Granted, the words aren't too tricky... but couldn't I be lucky and forget?
In closing, I don't want to be livin' la vida loca, I don't have dumps like a truck, and really, all I want is to be able to sleep. Please leave me alone, Sisqo.
I realize that I have been really, really awful at blogging recently. We shall not speak of this, but I promise to try a little harder from here on out. So now, without further ado...the blog!
We all have some thing or things that we really, in truth, should not be frightened of. For the most part, these things are strange, childhood recollections or pointless images or objects that we have actually given negative connotations to in our minds. The other night while I could not sleep, I began to dwell upon my irrational fears. I suppose that these objects, if viewed in the right context, could be frightening or dangerous. In Tucson, Arizona, however, it is unlikely that I will have to meet up with any of them, and therefore it's pretty pointless to even consider them an issue. Here are a few of my favorite (or least favorite, as the case may be) things, further explained by Wikipedia. I will not be posting pictures, because I AM AFRAID OF THESE THINGS.
1. Leeches
I don't care if they're the blood-sucking type or not. It doesn't matter. They're freakish. They look slimy, they lurk in water, and they have anticoagulant spit. They leave sores. They feed on the dead and the living. They're just...disgusting. Perhaps I SHOULD stay in an arid area after all.
2. Eels
I put the second wikipedia article up there because it illustrates how an eel's jaw works. No creature should have two jaws.
When I was a teenager, I went to a dumpy aquarium in DC. There wasn't really much there and you could get through it in minutes. I usually love aquariums, but this one just about broke me. Eels are camouflaged creatures. I rounded a corner quickly without paying much attention. Suddenly, this big, eerie eel came POPPING out of a rock. He came from nowhere, horror movie style, mouth opened and everything. Thanks, eel, but no thanks; I will not end up as your dinner.
3. Nematodes
Hey, kids! Ready to give yourselves nightmares? Read the wikipedia page about nematodes. I deal with these things REGULARLY...gross. An equally frightening wiki page on nematodes is this:
If you haven't yet seen the correlation, I don't like water-related beings. The oceans scare the crap out of me. I'd like to say it's just an immense respect, but it's not. I'm horrified of them. I'll go to the beach, but I will not go in.
I'm going to end this blog with something that I don't find frightening: