Last night, I went to Beowulf Alley Theatre in the heart of downtown Tucson. Playing was "Flaming Guns of the Purple Sage" by Jane Martin. For a brief synopsis on the show as well as where it is playing in Tucson, click here .
I went with Matt*, a good friend, husband to my other good friend Taundra, and the Special Effects creator for the show that we were going to see. Because he was one of the people working on the gore, severed limbs, and tattoo artwork on the characters, I got dropped off at Shot in the Dark Cafe for about an hour and a half before the show. I managed to read a few chapters of Spook and make myself ill on a too-greasy grilled cheese sandwich, all the while enjoying a delicious iced mocha.
*Clicking on Matt's name will send you to his biography circa 2001, which was when he acted in the movie Wormwood. This biography, being nine years old, is incredibly out of date. For one, he's now pursuing a BA in theatre education so that he may spread his artistic skills to a new generation of thespians. He has a couple of other acting and special effects feats under his belt that he did not have at the time. He's also bald now.
The play itself was hilarious, fast-paced, and immensely enjoyable. There are plenty of times to laugh, a couple of good times to jump, and some times that make you squirm, even with the knowledge that that's fake blood up on the stage. I would not hesitate to call it a success, and I recommend that anyone who can drop by Beowulf today, tomorrow, or next Thursday through Sunday make a point to do so.
I do have to admit that I am glad that I do not frequent a particular Starbucks in town (I will be keeping the specific location to myself), as I was told the one actor that ended up coming out in nothing but socks, a jock strap and a gun holster works there. While he was a great actor, I don't know how easily I could order a drink from him without suddenly envisioning my Barista wearing nothing but a smock and aforementioned jock strap. It doesn't even matter what you look like; that is an unattractive outfit to don.
All told, it was a great night. Today I plan on going hiking, and tomorrow I will be enjoying the Renaissance Faire... excellent! I hope to have many pictures, and possibly some more amusing stories, later.