Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Confessions of a single toilet bathroom.

Though I'm not very interested in the bar scene, I managed to get coerced into going to Bison Witches (http://www.bisonwitches.com/) last Thursday, with some hilarious results. Thursday is a big night for the college scene, and because of this, 4th Avenue was pretty busy. Bison Witches, being a bar and sandwich shop (and also sporting $1.50 Hefeweizen Thursday nights) was no exception. So there I was, crammed in a very busy venue with a couple of friends, when a very human urge struck me: I had to pee. Unfortunately, BW only has two bathrooms: a men's room and a women's room. Each has one toilet. As is the norm for a room full of inebriated individuals, a lot of people had to pee. There was a bit of a line. After standing in line for a few moments, I got in. Once my mission was accomplished, I exited the room to see several more ladies and a few guys waiting for their respective bathrooms. I held the door open for the next gal to enter...and she walked in with her friend close behind her.

Now, I'll be honest with you: I wasn't shocked. It doesn't weird me out or confuse me to see two people go in to a single bathroom. The guys who were standing in line had a much different reaction; one that I did not at all expect. They were mad. Mad! This is how the conversation went:

Guy1: Maaaaan, you see these girls goin' in together.
Guy2: Yeah, I know! If we tried to do that, we'd be so made fun of.
*Guy3 exits the bathroom, trapping Brenna between Guys1&2 and himself*
Guy3: For real! We'd never hear the end of it. It's not fair!

*Brenna stifles a laugh, then ducks and runs before Guys1-3 get more in depth about the unfair societal standards for men*

I could get all "social psychology" on this, but really, I'm sure it's pointless. The truth is that three drunk guys became very passionate about having to wait for the bathroom.

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